


4. 第54屆全國中小學科學展覽會,在宜蘭縣立體育館登場,今天(23)受颱風影響,展覽暫停一天。

There is a fashion in many states in America. The state representatives not only dispute how much budget should be offered to the higher education, but also discuss how the colleges can get the subsidies. Due to economic depression, the state governments greatly decrease the subsidies. According to the report of National Association of State Budget Officers, the sessions of most state legislature were done. The budget of the state governments may be increased, but the total increase rate may not reach three percent.


6. 最近美國許多州的州議會呈現一股新潮水,州議員不只是爭辯著該撥給高檔教育幾多預算,同時也會商大黉舍院該到達哪些標準才能取得補助。

Being affected by Typhoon Matmo, the result for senior high school and vocational school special admission was announced early. The PR ranking and comparison table of number of people accumulated in each academic district were also announced on the website of RCPET. It indicated that seven test takers got full marks in Chinese, English and math tests in Keelung and Taipei area. According to one thousand four hundred vacancies offered by Taipei Municipal Jiangou High School and Taipei First Girls High School, the test takers who got 135 points and PR86 can get the admissions of these two schools.

3. 遭到颱風來襲影響,103年高中職特點招生成就提早公布,臺灣師大心測中間網站也公告各就學區特招量尺總分PR值及累積人數對照表。心測中心表示,基北區國文、英文、數學3科滿分150分,有7人得滿分,以建中、北一女總計1400多個特招名額來看,推估量尺分數135、PR86可以上建中、北��女。

National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences held the open ceremony for the program of cultivating matched talents in Industry-Academy College held by the Ministry of Education. Twenty-five industries cooperate with one hundred thirty students to cultivate the talents who can go to work right away after graduation. The targets of the program are the juniors of colleges or the freshmen studying in the graduate program. It plans kinds of professional subjects to fit in the demands of industries. The students can well know how the industries work in advance and get over what they need in the future.


5. 國立高雄應用科技大學,舉行103學年度教育部產業學院契合式人材培養專班?動典禮,共有25家企業與130位在校生介入合作,提早培養結業便可就業的實務操作人才。

The score reports for Advanced Subjects Test are sent out. College Entrance Examination Center indicated that the test takers can apply for double check by the password shown on the score report before July 25th. The notification letter for the double check will be sent out on July 31st. CEEC will actively notify the test takers whose scores are changed to re-register the school application form. The right of the test takers will not be encroached.

2. 103學年大學指考績績單寄發,大考中間暗示,假如考生對成就有疑義,7月25號前可以利用成績單上「考生申請複查成績密碼」,到大考中間網站申請複查,複查結果通知書將於7月31號寄發。如果經複查後成績有異動的考生,大考分發委員會也會自動通知考生從頭挂號自願,不影響考生權益。

總統示意,麥德姆雖然是中度颱風,但由於近年來極端氣候變化,雨量可能會很驚人,提示民眾萬萬不要大意,多準備好食品用品,事前多一分準備,過後可以少一分遺憾。1. 總統馬英九表示,麥德姆颱風來襲,請處所當局及中央相關部會做好防颱準備、嚴加戒備。

Typhoon Matmo is coming. President 馬英九 asked central departments and local governments to take precautions against typhoon. He indicated that even Typhoon Matmo is middle typhoon; the rainfall may be really heavy. Everyone should stay alert and reserve foods in advance. Well preparation will keep regret away.

The 54th National Science Exhibition for Elementary School and Junior High School Students opens in Yilan County Stadium. However, it will be suspended one day because of Typhoon Matmo. To cooperate with the exhibition, Yilan Government specially prepare seven kinds of science trips which hope to let teachers and students be able to visit the beautiful scenery of Yilan after the competitions.

來自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/1030723雙語新聞-002441464.html















